What Does It Mean to Transmute?
An alchemist is known to turn a base metal into gold through a series of operations known as transmutation. This same process can be applied to energetic duality – turning lower vibrational energies (emotions) into higher vibrational energies. Turning lower vibrational aspects of our souls/self, into higher, more purified and whole vibrational aspects.
As we relate this to our energy, we are turning "lead" into "gold" metaphysically.

How Do You Transmute?
The answer, put simply, is to be aware and conscious about where you focus your energy. Transmuting is really just a fancy word for learning how to refocus yourself – shifting focus from the "problem" and allowing space for understanding what's under it, and then refocusing your thoughts, beliefs and actions on the clarity and solution this inspired.
When dealing with emotions or energy, you can apply the principles of transmutation:

We must accept the fact there is more than one perspective, side or possibility – as there is an opposing side to a positive emotion. We may or may not agree with them, or like experiencing them but they exist... accept this.

Rather than judge and get lost in loss, competiton, revenge or lack – identify the emotion, simply detach and observe. Do not get caught up in it. KNOW there is information, wisdom and guidance coming forth to you.

When we experience less than ideal circumstances/feelings, we can find our way to what is ideal. Duality is contrast, and in the contrast we are able to feel our way to what we prefer. That is the gift of duality: CLARITY. The gift of getting clear on what we do want in order to shift our focus THERE.

Transmuting Duality
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“The key to understanding alchemy is to realize that alchemical thought is extremely dynamic and takes place on three levels at once: the physical, the psychological, and the spiritual. Thus turning lead into gold meant not only physically changing the base metal into the noble metal, but also transforming base habits and emotions into golden thoughts and feelings, as well as transmuting our dark and ignoble souls into the golden light of spirit. By developing this ability to think and work on all three levels of reality at once (becoming “thrice greatest”), the alchemists created a spiritual technology that applied not only to their laboratories but also to their own personalities and to their relationships with other people–and with God.”