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The Twin Flame Journey is a Deeply Spiritual One

If you have been on the Twin Flame journey for some time, you will know that it starts with spiritual oneness first, which can lead to the physical world manifestation of a relationship. The concept of Twin Flames as it is understood, is one soul split in two bodies. The mission of this life, at its core, is to evolve spiritually – becoming whole, capable, love within self first and foremost. In doing inner work, you align yourself spiritually/energetically, which opens you to creating the world in which your Twin Soul and you reunite physically. 


Who We Are Inside Creates the World On the Outside

As you may know, the world around you is a mirror, reflecting back to you the energetic state that you are in. Your Twin Soul acts as the ultimate mirror, reflecting back to you the deepest parts of yourself. If you are experiencing a state of conflict, no communication or separateness, what is this showing you about yourself? It is likely areas in which you are needing to heal and release in order to come into your most whole, and highest version of self. The Twin Flame Higher Harmony & Healing Session is designed to help you with this. 

Twin Flame Hypnosis

It All Starts Within You

As you refine and align to the fullness of who you are as a soul, within this greater universe – the ALL – you create the vibrational atmosphere for that same oneness in your physical reality. You see, everything first happens within your state of energy – the physical world is the manifestation of that state of being. As you align to union, first and foremost self-union, you become magnetic to your Twin and able to attract that same oneness. 

It takes you being responsible for your energy, your evolution, your connection to the Universe/Source/God, and doing your own inner work. 

Twin Flame Quantum Hypnosis & Energy Healing

Twin Flame Higher Harmony & Healing


"As within, so without. 
As above, so below. 
As the universe, so the soul."


Quantum Hypnosis for Twin Flames

Energetic Healing via Beyond Quantum Healing

In this session, we use the tool of Quantum Hypnosis through Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) to help you address the core aspects of the Twin Flame connection – tune into your energy, clear and heal the lessons/karma/blocks holding you back, and help you gain the guidance for your path forward. A path back to union of self, and call in union with your Twin Soul. 

In doing this work, the goal is creating Heaven on Earth. Imagine if you will, eliminating everything that is holding you back from experiencing the fullness of true love, of your biggest dreams, living in your purpose – all made manifest. Reaching that state would, in fact, would feel like Heaven on Earth.

Twin Flame Higher Harmony & Healing Session Possible Outcomes

$222 | 3-4 HOURS

  • Connect with your Higher Self and open up the energetic connection with your Twin Soul's Higher Self

  • Answers to your questions regarding karma and lessons you are to learn in this life

  • Guidance on your purpose and mission in this life

  • Connect with your spirit team helping you feel supported on your journey

  • Clear and open your chakra system/energetic body

  • Clear third parties

  • Heal and open any blocks in the relationship

  • Feel a deeper sense of closeness and inner knowing/confidence

  • Align with, ground in and embody peace, balance and harmony

  • Guidance on next steps on your journey 

  • Balance Masculine and Feminine energies

  • Ignite, call in and open the path to union

Principles Encompassing the Twin Flame Journey

  • Union of Self, with God/Source and as souls

  • Peace and harmony, balance with ALL

  • Align with and embody your mission/purpose in this life

  • Anchoring in a higher frequency to aid the collective in their own awakening and ascension

  • Releasing karma (past or present), blocks and challenges

  • Opening to the wholeness within

  • Living as your most authentic soul – aligned with love, divinity, harmony, oneness

More About Beyond Quantum Healing

  • Quantum Healing has variously been called guided visualization, hypnosis, dreamwork or soul travel. All of these descriptions are human words and phrases to basically describe this scenario: You lay back, relax, close your eyes and enter a deep, daydream-like state that is relevant to your situation. You are able to speak and describe your experience all the while being assisted by your facilitator. You will be invited to speak to your own Higher Self- that part of you that is the Divine spark and has more wisdom and knowledge about you and your life plan than your more "everyday" or "temporal" self.

    Candace Craw-Goldman

  • A session starts with some time beforehand to get to know more about you and your background for seeking a session. We discuss your questions and inquiries for the session. We want to be sure that you feel safe and comfortable to do your exploration with an open mind. Once complete, you will get comfortable in the space, and we will begin the process of connecting our hearts and energy, followed by going into the hypnosis. Once in the deep trance-like state, we will see where things take you. Most people still feel conscious but very relaxed, some will feel like they are deeper under. I will be there with you the entire time, guiding your exploration and helping you reach the answers, guidance and healing in which you are seeking. Once complete, I will guide you back to every day awareness. After the session, we will discuss the findings and help you ground back into your every day life. 

    It is recommended to be sure to plan a light day. Afterwards the energy is often still present and you may need rest as things are still processing within you. 

    ​In a BQH session, we use relaxation, visualization, meditation, and hypnosis techniques to help you reach a deep, trance-like state. This state allows you to access wisdom, guidance, and information from your soul/Higher Self, guides, spirit team, angels and more. Before the session, you will prepare 5-12 questions that we will seek to answer and gain insights on. After the session, we will discuss the information and guidance received. You will also receive a copy of the session's audio recording to keep for your reference. 

  • You can use BQH for a variety of areas of your life, including: 

    • Past Life Regression

    • Bad Habits or Addictions

    • Clarity on Relationships

    • Healing from Illnesses & Health Conditions

    • Connecting with your Guides, Higher Self and Loved Ones

    • Discovering More Information on Your Life Purpose

    • Lives on Other Planets or as Other Species

    • Releasing Heavy Emotions & Blocks 

    • And Much More

  • For a BQH session all that is needed is an open mind. However, if you have severe trauma or deep-seated fears an in-person session may be more suited for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me so that we can discuss your background and situation,

  • The outcomes are endless, and are only limited by personal belief systems. Beliefs are really only a thought that we think over and over, so even changing or shifting our beliefs around a concept can also expand. 

    Outcomes can be vary. You may feel personal peace and feel more tuned into the direction of your life or to find healing from illnesses, and in cases some feel like the session really didn't make any difference and wasn't for them. It is your level of openness and perception that will effect the outcome of the session. There is no way to know what will happen for you personally, and I cannot guarantee of the outcome of the session. However, even clients who felt a session did not work for them come to find in time that the insights and information found in session have profound messages and guidance in their personal life – that they later came to understand at a deeper level. It is important to come into the session with an open mind and know that anything truly is possible.

  • Hypnosis is very safe and can be considered a state of heightened awareness. If an emergency were to arise, you can naturally exit the hypnotic state by opening yours eyes or sitting up.

Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis

"What an awesome session I had with Stephanie!

She is a skilled, caring, and knowledgeable practitioner. Her calm persona and soothing voice made me feel safe and comfortable right from the start. I would definitely recommend her. Thanks so much for being you Steph!"


I have had a couple of sessions with Stephanie and she's truly skilled and wonderful. 

I felt safe and was able to open up really easy, following her gentle guidance. I highly recommend her.


I love working with Stephanie. I've had two BQH sessions with her and have enjoyed both immensely.

She has such a thirst for knowledge and can synthesize the information she's gathered in a way that is so interesting and helpful. Her gentle manner made me immediately comfortable and at ease with her, so was able to drop into the trance state more easily. She was very good at guiding and asking the appropriate questions so that I could access the information I was seeking. I would definitely recommend Stephanie to anyone seeking a BQH Session or Life Coaching. She has such a passion for helping people which is very evident.


Spiritual Inspiration



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