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Core Memories: 3 Steps to Connect to Your Soul

3 steps to connect to your soul
The Vortex of Creation

Recently, my brother took me to a concert for a band that had a pivotal effect on my life. I hadn’t thought about this band in so many years… but here we were rocking out and all of the memories came flooding back. In my teenage years, the years when we are all starting to discover who we are, I was a huge fan of the band Creed. Love them or hate them, they were my band. They helped me work through so much of the teenage angst and feel into hope and peace. They helped me feel more and more like myself. They gave me a voice for all of the struggles I had been going through. Looking back, I can see how they helped me connect to my voice and clear things out so that I could feel and be more myself more freely. 

"Human pride sings a vengeful song, inspired by the times you’ve been walked on." –"WHAT IF?", CREED

As we were jamming out to all of the hits, one song in particular stood out, “What If?” We grew up Catholic, and when you’re about 17 years old, you can take the sacrament of Confirmation. It is when you are confirming your faith in the religion. Being the “good daughter” I committed myself to taking this sacrament – something I later realized wasn’t really for me. In the process, we went to this retreat and partake in all of these activities. I don’t remember most of it. However, there is one thing that still stands out, we had to share our favorite quote. It was supposed to be something that spoke to who you are, and mine was the lyric “Human pride sings a vengeful song, inspired by the times you’ve been walked on.”  I remember the priest being so shocked and questioning me on this… there seemed to be real concern. But to me, that is what I had lived. In me being honest about it, it helped me connect to what motivated me – despite not fitting in, despite feeling like the outsider, it inspired me to be more me. 

At the concert, we had been looking at all of the merch, and they happened to have a t-shirt with that exact lyric on it. It made my soul sing! It brought all of the memories flooding back, but most of all, it linked me back to what motivated me in me. It helped me connect back to WHY I am who I am and WHY I do what I do. And that is, doing it differently – despite everything in the world that could feel like taking you down, I choose to still RISE. I choose to see everyone, not put them down or out. I keep calling this “core memories” and as I leaned into this concept of a core memory, more music started showing up to me that connected me back to the full essence of ME. Reconnecting me to my WHY.

"'cause what consumes your thoughts controls your life." –"WHAT IF?", CREED

Core Memories: Guiding You to the Core of You (Soul)

Sometimes we don’t realize how much the responsibilities of life can knock us out of connecting and therefore living far from our full essence. Feeling that full essence, feeling connected to ourselves is the very thing that links us to living a full and joyful life. 

In coaching, there are a wide variety of tools that can help you reconnect these aspects of yourself. However, I often struggle making us fit into these boxes and tools… many of them are based in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). So much of it is linked to how our thoughts create our beliefs and those beliefs create our emotions. That then creates our reality. 

It is great to have this scientific link, reasoning. We, as humans, are often looking for physical, tangible proof. However, through all of this, something screamed loudly to me – at the core of everything is actually FEELING it. Psychology is just ONE way of seeing things. Hermetic Philosophy, and Alchemists, both speak about how the schools of psychology and science try to explain certain phenomena about humans, but something that is overlooked is the power of the spirit. To me, it is the spirit that drives everything that we do. In my work, it is my intention to help others connect to their spirit, because that is where the true guidance lies. That is what speaks the most to who we are and WHY we want and do what we do. It is the linkage to our highest self and our best and highest timeline / life. 

As I connected to this concept of what I am calling Core Memories, this felt like a lifeline to our spirit. When we feel covered up and consumed by all we take on in life, this subtle tool can help link us back to who we are and WHY we want what we want. It is an easy tool to help connect us back to our spirit, without all of the overthinking and psychology – one where we are FEELING instead of analyzing. Where we connect from heart/soul, less mind. If you are wanting to live a life you love, you are wanting to connect to life from the heart. Letting the heart lead. 

Core memories are the perfect way to connect to your soul... they are like the bread crumbs our soul has created along the path to help us find our way back to center (back to heart/soul).

I don’t think this is a new concept by any means. Right now, I recall listening to Abraham Hicks speak about the example of changing your relationship with someone. Perhaps it is a relationship where you were once close and now fight. In order to shift it, you need to change what you focus on. Instead of focusing on the fallout in the relationship or whatever upsets you, shift the focus back onto the memories when things felt happier, light, fun (the memories that link you back to WHY you even enjoy the relationship). If you do not know Abraham Hicks/Esther Hicks, she speaks about and teaches how to apply the Law of Attraction to your life. The premise being you get what you focus on. She also teaches about your "Vortex of Creation" – this is you aligning with your core self, your soul, the Energy Stream of the Universe itself that is all loving, always guiding you to your joy. Therefore, if you want to shift your reality, shift what you focus on. Shift to the things within your soul that light you up! To me, this feeling side of things feels more powerful than what psychology has you think your way to. Feeling guiding the thinking. Heart leading the mind.

Using Music as the Linkage to Self

I love music. It is how I have processed and connected to myself for all of my life. Early on I fed into the whole mainstream music scene. However, later on in life I felt how powerful the lyrics of non-mainstream music were. It said everything that people were too afraid, or not deep enough to admit and speak about. I love all kinds of music too, from pop to metal, dance to country, everything in between. I was recently speaking to someone about their music interests, because I was curious about the genre, and it hit me, there really is a flavor of music for every emotion. I love that exploration. 

In that same conversation asking about their music interests, I remembered a slew of songs I used to listen to. I took that as inspiration and turned on my jams again. Everything came flooding back to me, everything that linked me back to WHY again who I am and what motivates me, WHY it motivates me. Taking all of the darkness I endured, healed and came through, and now finding the humor and power in that. In that, it led me to my light. It led me to integrating the darkness, all the wounds now healed or in the process of healing… and simply owning that. Owning where I came from and still connecting to RISING. To doing things differently. To knowing both sides – light and dark… and that leads me to living this fulfilling life that I love. WHOLE. I was able to get there by connecting to me. These core memories help me connect to ME. Not in ego, not in some role I am here to fill, but just me as a whole soul. Feeling was the key to connecting to that place, and music was my tool in this world.

Core Memories as a Tool

Anytime we are feeling off-center, or needing to connect back to our WHY (what motivates us), we can build this tool for ourselves. For me, music is one tool. For you, it may be music or it could be anything really – art, dancing, exercising, etc. I use music as the example, because it has always been that whisper from my soul, back to heart, to simply feel and be. 

It may be the lyrics, but a large part is the style of music itself as well… to be with it, to lose my mind in it and feel myself in it. 

"One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe. – ABRAHAM HICKS

The Importance of Connecting to Your Soul

When we are connected to our core self (soul/Higher Self), our entire life lights up. That is when we feel most alive. That is when things start to line up with an ease and things start to flow. Life feels magical and lit up. YOU feel lit up. Joy flows endlessly. Think about that – when was the last time you felt like life was easy, like you were having so much joy? It is in the moments that things completely feel like they hit a spot within your heart, within your soul that make life feel so good.

As Abraham Hicks says, it is when we connect to the “Energy Stream” that we are most powerful. She is saying, when we are connected to our truest selves, things start to line up, the ideas, the work, everything flows easily. And in that, we experience JOY. Isn’t that what life is about – experiencing and feeling joy? 

As I sat with this concept of Core Memories, the feeling came to me... these are bread crumbs. Core memories are the perfect way to connect back to your truest, most authentic soul essence, because they are like the bread crumbs our soul created along our path in order to help us remember who we truly are – back to center, back to heart, back to soul.

3 Steps to Connecting to Your Core Memories

This concept feels too powerful to me to keep under wraps, and so I am sharing this tool in hopes others can start to connect to their soul. 

The intention of this tool is to help you reconnect back to your soul. Remember the things that just felt like you – things that lit up your soul, helped you process things and just connect to who you are inside.

  1. Who Were You at 17 - reflect for a moment back to when you were a teenager. In our teenage years we are starting to formulate who we want to be in the world. If you think about it, at that age is when we have some solid dreams/goals we’d like to achieve. Feel back into that time… what did you connect most to back then that helped you connect to those dreams? 

  2. Create a Core Memories List - list everything you felt drawn to, that set your soul on fire or helped you connect to who you were - music, dancing, activities, sports, etc. Maybe there are some memories that come up to when you first connected to such things, write it all out.

  3. Reconnect to Those Things - make some time to reconnect to what you identify on your Core Memories list. Let yourself feel into it, reconnect to why those things hit so deeply. 

Keep this list, as you feel into things, more and more will come back to you. Everything that lights yourself up will start to flood back. Continually add to this list, and allow yourself to experience yourself again. Allow yourself to remember WHY you are who you are and what motivates you, WHY you want what you want in life. 

Anytime in our lives, we can use these Core Memories to help us recenter and refocus. I get asked a lot about how I navigate the stress in life – this is a huge help. We are always going to have responsibilities and work schedules that start to become consuming… before long we can find ourselves disconnected and overcome. Use your Core Memories to help drive you, to help you remain centered in yourself. That is one thing that will drive a meaningful, fulfilling and joy-filled life. Try it out for yourself! 

Let’s Connect!

If music is your thing, I’d love for you to share what are some of the best songs that have helped you in connecting to yourself. Leave your favorite songs in the comments below.

Here is a playlist of some of my Core Memories: 

Looking for More Help on Your Journey?

If you would like more information or feel like you'd like more guidance in connecting with your truest core self, I invite you to check out my services and to learn more about me. My services are packed with tools just like this and more, and I offer the wisdom and knowledge I've gained through all of my life experiences. If you aren't sure what would be a perfect fit for you, schedule a FREE Discovery Call and I would be happy to discuss more with you.

Lastly, I invite you to sign up for my email list where I will be sending out new blog posts on these tips, and expanding on and discussing a variety of spiritual concepts on my spiritual journey as well. I love connecting the dots...

Sending you all love on your continued journey.


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