I took some time away from growing this business, from helping others in order to get centered again. The momentum leading up to The Celestine Path was built on a windfall of challenges and discoveries both within myself and to the larger connection I feel.
Religion never resonated much with me. However, as I dove into the deep unknown, I feel like I discovered something that hit deep within me. Being more logically minded, I always wanted this proof of something greater… little did I know as I found rabbit hole after rabbit hole of the “secrets of the universe” that I would find something profound.
We are the universe – every single one of us. We are souls here to have a human experience. And in this human experience, we are here to learn and grow – to expand our understanding of what we truly are – pure energy. God, in essence, is energy, the universe, so if we are the universe, we are also God. We are from this one source energy to experience itself, through whatever creation we can dream up. And the way we do that is through our senses – our feelings/emotions. And it is up to us to learn how to direct that emotion (energy) in order to create the world in which we live.
I discovered from many many great teachers, and my knowledge and wisdom is constantly expanding – as is all of ours. Because again, we are all the universe, and as we discover, that wisdom becomes available to all of us. The Law of Attraction, Hermetic Philosophy, Shamanic Wisdom, Yoga, Buddhism, the Three Initiates, Alchemy – all of the information is there. It is up to us to tune into it, not only at a logical/mental level, but then to bring it into physical reality. We can use many tools, one of which I discovered, which feels more like a deep meditative journey, is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), which was developed out of the teachings from Dolores Cannon who created Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT). There are many tools, many guides, many teachers out there of this wisdom and knowledge.
So, as I came through the darkest days of my journey and started tuning into this greater essence – living it, I knew I wanted to create something to help others discover their own infinite nature. Little did I know a few more of my shadows and wounds would start to show themselves. After all, this is a place in which we are here to learn – to uncover the most authentic version of ourselves. Every piece of challenge and shadow that shows up is a gateway, the initiation into what this is…
It was through every lesson, every challenge, everything I've ever gone through that led me back to me. So I knew as I was creating this new venture for myself – work with meaning and purpose – I heard my old friend fear pop up.
With that, I took a break to listen and see what was there. The WORTH wound popped up for me. What worth and value do I have in this business? Is there something people really needed that I could offer? As I went through where this wound was rooted, why it was there, and how I limited myself due to how valuable I saw myself, I started seeing that I am not the only one. Through my work, I was seeing many others who also had this worth wound. Here I am working to create a business that is intended to help others – but who wanted to hear what I had to say? I started questioning myself, wanting to ensure that I was an "expert"… Was what I really wanted to do VALUABLE to anyone? Did I have value? And in a world that was mainly masculine – looking for reason and logic – how would something that seems “invisible” be perceived by a society that wants physical proof? I was uncertain, and my confidence diminished. I shrank down into my shell, yet the dream was still alive inside… how would I make it past this?
Slowly, I started to see the universe show up for me. The people I worked with, the opportunities that crossed my plate, every piece of my reality was starting to show me how valuable I am. And just by being me. By finally allowing my voice and my heart to be heard and felt. My confidence grew. I felt like I finally was using my voice – with confidence. I was finally embodying a piece of guidance that had followed me for a year – walk with conviction. It came down to believing in myself, to seeing the value in who I am and what I am here to do. What I am here to offer this world. And that is true for all of us – there is something valuable, something that is unique to each of us that brings value and worth to the greater whole, the collective of this world. No matter how large or small.
It was through the wound of feeling unworthy that I was able to get to the other side. To see and feel in different and new ways. And through that I felt set free to explore and to simply believe in myself.
There is so much truth that we are unaware of as a society that I look to help bring forth. It is my vision to help others tune into their most authentic selves so that they too can live their version of Heaven on Earth. I am open to how that message is best delivered, however the guidance comes through. Imagine a world where we are tuned into the best and most authentic parts of us (our spirit/soul/heart/higher selves) and living a life we love. When we feel good, we show up as the best version of ourselves, and that feeling is extended to others. Others feel good as well. The more of us tuning into this place inside… imagine the world it could create. Less pain, poverty and lack mentality – more of feeling blessed, abundance, and love.
But it starts inside. I am so happy to have renewed vitality, because I know there is something special I am here to bring to the world. And I hope to bring that to all of you… so you can discover and do it for yourself as well. Together we rise into something greater, better, more evolved. An expansion of who and what we are – both as individuals and collectively.
Thank you for being here. More to come...